Friday, December 17, 2010


I am sure, from the last post you are wondering who Frodo is! I have not been able to keep with the blog because Blogger was not letting me upload photos again. I don't know why but it just started working again.

Frodo was kept in a small box stall for the past 3 years. We found a cap for the truck on freecycle and Murph headed to VT to make the rescue.

He did great on the trip and is amazingly healthy.

He only stands 28" tall but no one has told him!

The horsekids came over the next day and he got lots of attention.

He has already started loosing his pudgy belly.

He is a gentle soul.

We are keeping him in with the chickens for now. Eventually he will go in with the big horses. It is working out perfectly for Scout since she is able to go right in and spend time with him.

He shy's away when someone tries to touch his head...Scout walked right up to him and touched it.

The seem to already have a strong connection.

1 comment:

  1. omg this brings tears to my eyes! Tears because he was kept in a box stall for 3 years...poor pony! and tears of JOY for you guys rescuing him!

    A precious pal for Scout!
    Love to you all and happy holidays!
