Saturday, December 5, 2009

The BEST daddy

As unbelievable as it seems, Scouts push car was stolen 3 days ago!! It is her favorite toy and we use it everyday to do our chores around the yard. We walked across the street with it to look for snow boots at the church thrift shop. We parked it outside the front door, like we always do. We came out 20 minutes later and it was gone. I still can't believe that someone stole a babies toy car!

I found another one on craigslist yesterday. Daddy was returning from a long travel day, coming home from ND. When he got back to the airport he drove an hour (in the opposite direction from home) to pick up the new push car. He finally returned home at 9:30 last night. This morning we will have one happy girl when we get outside to see the car back outside the door.