Sunday, January 30, 2011


We always have plenty of choices for Scout. Offering her plenty to do but letting her make her own choices. It is the same with the horses. About 4 months ago she stopped being interested in riding and just wanted to do ground work. She wanted to lead the horses and walk the dogs. We even rescued a mini horse to make it easier for her to lead by herself.

Now she says she wants to ride Tonto. We planned to do it when we got home from our Saturday chores, Farmers Market, dump, fuel, groceries. When we got home she was asleep. Then we had to rush out for an unexpected errand. She had not forgotten about riding. It was getting late when we got home but, we had promised. So out we went...

It was enchanting to be out in the woods at twilight. The weather was still pleasant, the snow beautiful.

She didn't want to stop, but it was dark now. We will ride again tomorrow. Fortunately, Daddy is home with us all weekend.

I am so happy that she loves the horses but, I make sure to let her love them in her way, with her rhythms.

Life is Good

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A winter day in the big woods

Come along an spend a winter day in the big woods with Scout.

We are reading stories about the snow and winter habitat. Take a look at our favorite kids books widget to see some of them.

Days always start with taking care of the animals. The new silky roosters are fitting right in.

Spending some time with the chickens.

Some of the toys in the yard are getting lonely.

Not to worry...

winter just means we play in a different way.

Scout wanted to take Frodo down the street to the playground. She had to settle for her own playground with the dogs, it is not safe to walk down the road with all this snow.

Big girl



Time for lunch. Cocoa, oranges,craisons,organic peanut butter crackers and a cozy sled.

We walked in the forest behind the house to look for tracks. Who is living and hunting out there.

All we found today was rabbit and bird tracks. Last week we found grey fox.

Looking back at the paddock, run in and house. Can you see Satinka?

The paths are blocked by the branches weighted heavily by snow and ice.

Today we went into the art studio to read stories.

Then she snuggled in with teddy and indoor pony for a nap.

Night night

Too cool for school!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Senses hike

We headed out to Scorton Creek again, this time for a sense's hike.  Scout has been hiking since she came home from the hospital 2 years and 1 month ago. Mostly we just walked along quietly enjoying all there was to see and hear. Now we talk a lot about what we see and hear. She is so interested in soaking up all the knowledge she can.

The marsh smelled stinky today...we talked about high tide and low tide.

We spotted grey fox tracks. We saw feathers spread all over the ground, was it from the fox?

It snowed last night and the trees were draped over the trails. We listened and heard birds, pointing in the direction we heard them. Then we looked to find them. Scout heard a helicopter and then a fire truck. We heard the ice and snow falling from the trees.

We heard the water rushing under the bridge. More talk about the tides. We talked about coming back and paddling in the spring.

Red berries...we didn't find red on our colors hike the other day. We talked about not eating things we find in the woods. Scout added that the birds could eat them.

Look at all these squirrel tracks at the base of the tree. There must be a nest nearby.

We looked up and there it was!
We continued walking and Scout mentioned "Stennis go up there". We were walking past the tree he ran up! I couldn't believe it, she recognized the spot and remembered he did it. All this time in the woods has really made her aware of her surroundings while out there. After all the snow it doesn't even look the same, I got turned around at one point today.

Back at the beach we talked about the tides again. Low tide today, look at the roots.

We both love our hikes. I can't imagine sending her to school and missing out on all this learning. I couldn't imagine her missing out on learning all this first hand. Everyday we are more and more happy with our decision to unschool.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ar day-collage

The kids made collages about themselves. They used scissors, glue, magazines, yarn, sticks, foam shapes, stickers, glitter and imagination.

Zach started the wood stove early in the morning to take the chill off the room. All the kids, even the littlest one's gathered around the table with piles of inspiration.

Scout is getting so focused now, she stayed at the table for 30 minutes!

Beautiful projects began to appear.

We had cocoa and snacks and laughs.

Exploring scissors.

The day ended with snow play, kids, dogs, swing set, fun!!!

Life is Good

Little helper - winter chores

The littlest one's want to help. There are always ways to adapt what you do so they can pitch in. They will be so proud, start to learn they can do ANYTHING they want to, feel like they contribute to their family and don't forget to tell them what a great job they are doing!

Little Scout starts off with a BIG pile of clothes.

All dressed and ready for the snow.

There are chores to do and animals that need me.

First I will shovel off the deck so no one slips.

Frodo is hungry.

There's Satinka waiting for dinner.

Careful, don't slip.

C'mon guys...dinner.

Good girls Tonto and Takoda.

Good boy Little.

Frodo is happy.

I love you Scout.

Little gets some company while he eats.

Now for the hay.

My herd looks good.

Time to clean the run in so they have a nice clean and dry place to spend the night.

I hear the chickens calling.

The coop is toasty warm, food bin full, water all set, eggs collected.

I'm coming out...time for some fun.

Nice sticky snow.

Tatonka watches over me while I play.

Okay boys I'll get the ball.

Night night