Friday, December 31, 2010


While Daddy was playing with his new camera he captured this!! Scout counted to eight. We couldn't believe it. We count with her when we are doing things throughout the day. Not counting to count but when it makes sense to do it along with something that is happening. Amazing what they absorb.

She will be 2 on New Years Eve,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The only way to learn

Scout loves her Croc's...and hated having to put on a coat.

She wanted to wear the Croc's. She really doesn't understand when I say it is too cold to wear Croc's. So I let her wear them, no coat either.

Off she went.

and went...

further then I thought,..

She is tough...

as Zach says "she comes from hardy stock"

finally realizing Mom may have been right.

coming back for boots...and she hasn't asked for Croc's anymore.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

We hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours and we wish you much peace, love and happiness in the new year.

Fun in the snow

A blizzard is coming...YEAH we love it. The firewood is stacked and dry, the animals have cozy spots to keep warm, the house is winterized so we are ready to play!

Scout and I take the dogs hiking in our favorite hiking spot a couple times a week. That is the bay and the beach in the background.

LITTLE buddies

This spot comes complete with picnic table ( I can't believe someone got this up here) and cool fort. When we are making our way there Scout is saying "table" "lunch". Just like her brother who would go on any adventure with me as long as I stopped half-way for a picnic lunch!

First tracks on her new skis.

Giving Frodo a carrot after their daily hike in the woods.

She loves taking all the animals for a walk. She was in the house playing and told me she wanted to go out and walk "tennis".

Oh what fun it is to a blizzard!
Get out and play!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Scout's stocking

Coming onto this Christmas I still had not made Scout a stocking. Last year she was too little to need one and I hadn't decided what the perfect stocking would be yet. But, time was ticking and she needed one this year so I had to get started. When I am building, crafting, creating I don't use patterns, plans, recipes much. I will use them to spark ideas but then I change and add to my liking, mostly as I go along, rarely do I do much preplanning. This stocking was no different. I started by looking in the bags and bags of fabric I had. I grabbed several pieces that were to my liking. OOOOHH, there is some fabric from the wedding I must use that (first light bulb moment).

I have never made a crazy quilt but have always liked the look and the idea of it. I would sew scraps together to give the stocking that look. I don't know how to knit (though I would like to learn) and I love crazy yarn. I decided to use the crazy yarn to sew the scraps together.

I have a box of old buttons...put some on that will look cool.

I took some more yarn and braided it into a rope. The I used the rope to spell out SCOUT. It is turning into a thing of beauty. Now I am thinking...maybe this is the idea. I am always seeking an idea to make something to sell. I have lots of them, by the way, just can't ever settle on one. One reason is it has to hold my interest for a long time, I can't make the same thing over and over, I would get bored. People can send me their scraps of material from important events or just give me a list of fav colors etc. I can piece it together into a memory stocking. This would be different every time...perfect. I have an Etsy account I just haven't put anything there yet. Maybe this will be the start.

As I am finishing the stocking the final light bulb moment hits! The horse and dog fetish I made and wore on my wedding dress. I have been waiting for a great idea to hit about how to use now lives on the stocking.

Mery Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas cookies

Scout loves helping in the kitchen. She made cookies this Christmas to give to her friends.

Mixing...with Amanda

spreading flour

covered in flour!

improvising...using the Pam spray cap as a cookie cutter!

unwrapping chocolates

covering dough in sugar

pressing chocolates onto dough

covered in chocolate...yum

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tree for the animals

Okay, you can see we did this last week (before the snow). Scout and her friends came over to decorate a Christmas tree for the animals.

First we hiked to collect pine cones. We collected the ones still attached to sticks so it would be easy for the little kids to hang them in the tree.

The moms spread peanut butter on them and then the kids put the seeds on.

Who can resist a good mouthful of peanut butter?!

Then we hiked back out to the forest Christmas tree.

and hung the animal snacks

It's beautiful and the kids are very proud. We have to pass it every time we go back out to see what animals are enjoying it.