Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Yes, still no computer. Oh well, maybe after the tax refund.

Scout has her legs and she uses them ALL day long. We love to watch her...she entertains herself, exploring and learning. She loves to look out the doors and see what is happening outside. She loves to pet the dogs and give them their toys. She loves to climb, to carry stuff (especially her tools). She likes cause and effect toys. She will play fetch with herself. She talks up a storm and it is particularly fun when she cracks herself up with laughter. I believe this is a vital part of her development...to love to learn and to be able to make up her own games.

Even though I think kids are sent into a structured "school" way too early, with not enough time to play and be free, her learning has already begun. I am leaning toward "unschooling" and this is her already doing it. Everyday she learns so much...we are putting the opportunities in front of her and she is choosing when to use them, having fun and learning so much.

We started a music class last week. She absolutely loves it. Check out www.musicandmovement.com it is a great program. All types of learning styles are addressed. It is a mixed age class (birth to 5) plus adults (parents). They all learn by watching each other or just doing what feels natural. There is singing, rhythmic instruments, moving to the rhythm and dancing to the beat. They can make choices and express themselves freely.

She is still swimming at the Y...tonight she goes with Daddy.