Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We spent St Patricks day together in Boston. It is a special treat when we all get to be together! We went to the Science museum, Maggiano's for lunch, the childrens museum and finished off with the Lion King. Scout slept for most of the next day!

The whole family!

Scout enjoying the bubble room at the childrens museum.

Climbing her first cargo net..she loves to climb.

Getting a smooch from her big brother and sharing Sam's water.

This was our first time here. It was so much fun we plan on visiting frequently. This is the water room.

Zach discovers bubbles!

Sharing spaghetti with Daddy.

Who could be cuter!!

Exploring the science museum.


Zach and his girlfriend Sam came for a visit and we spent one of the days in Ptown. Most everything was still closed on March 16th but we had a great lunch and a nice walk around town and in the village.

The big kids having some fun!

Mommy and Scout on the beach.

Sam, Scout and Zach behind the old theatre.

A nice beach walk,we love it when Zach comes home...especially when he brings Sam!!!

Zach and Scout having fun on the horsies.

Going down the slide with Mommy.

Scout thinking about going through the tunnel...she does.

She walk from here right down to the water and gets mad when we pick her up instead of letting her walk right into it!

What a fun day!!

Nature girl

Scout loves it when she gets to go for a ride with Mommy! Satinka is so good when she knows she has precious cargo.

This day was all about science. It was one of the first warm sunny days of spring and we spent it all outdoors. Scout loves these days...outside. She explored her world...here are some shots I was able to capture. The one above is playing in the dirt!

Finding some treasures. She had to climb a pretty steep hill to get to these!

She found a nice walking stick...just her size.

Hanging out with the chickens, she loves to follow them around. She is so quiet and gentle with them they let her walk right up and pet them.

While I was raking she was picking out the interesting stuff. Here she finds last years weeds, roots and all.

Water play in the bird bath.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rainy day

Scout and her chickens. She loves to follow them and they let her walk up and pet them.

Our friend, Jay's, graduation from the MA Fire Academy.

Future drummer?

The boys waiting for a frisbee throw!!

Cute from all directions!!

It's a rainy day today. Luckily we have a lot of traveling to do. The last rainy day Scout spent the day starring out the window and grunting and pulling at her coat (cavegirl talk for I want to go outside!). I did finally give in, put on raincoats and out we went.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We're back!!!

Sorry it has been so long. Still no new laptop but I have figured out how to get the pictures from the camera to the desktop pc. We have been working hard in the yard since we have had such nice weather. Scout and Mommy put up her swingset and built a playhouse underneath (Scout handed the nails!). Scout loves to be outside ( not that we didn't already know that ). She explores the yard, following and petting chickens, picking up treasures (acorns and rocks mostly), climbing into and out of her playhouse and Little Tykes car, walking over all terrain and up and down hill. Today it rained all day. She finally got me to put on her raincoat and go outside after tugging and grunting at her cat and starring out the window.

We have sold out first dozen eggs and have 2 or 3 regular customers now. The first raised bed is built and half filled with dirt for the vegetable garden.

We will try to be better about writing again!