Saturday, January 30, 2010

We are still here!!

We haven't dissappeared!! The laptop seems to be dead and the desktop won't download the camera...ugh! There are no pictures today but Scout is changing so much I am sure you would like an update.

She woke up last week from her nap and hasn't stopped walking since!! Even before she was walking all the time she was already climbing. She pushes dog bowls, chairs and her toys..whatever she can find..over to something she can't reach and climbs up. She tried climbing up the back of a chair the other day, luckily I was right there to catch it as it toppled backwards. She is very self engaging. She will walk all around all day, until she is hungry, thirsty, tired or needs a diaper change, just playing and exploring. She loves to watch out the windows (two of our doors have glass to the floor). She loves to watch me throw the balls to the dogs. Yesterday she spent 30 minutes walking around the house throwing her block, chasing it, picking it up and throwing it again. Then she sat down and we had a pass on the floor for another 10 minutes. It is so much fun watching her learn new things everyday. She is sitting next to me now stacking her blocks. She loves to carry things around with her, she almost always has something in her hand. At her 1 year physical she was 18 pounds (16%), 29 inches (25%) and her motor skills were at a 15 month old level. hopefully the photos will come soon.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ski Trip

We went skiing last weekend. It was very cold but the skiing was great and the skies were bright and sunny. Scout was a little under the weather so we didn't try out her new skis and ski boots. She did have a blast in her sled. We use the KinderShuttle sled around the yard for our chores so she is used to it. She spotted it in the patrol room and pointed to it waving her arms and smiling. Mommy skied with her for 2 hours each day, Scout watching the sights and napping. We will go back in February and hopefully she will be able to try her skis!

Friday, January 1, 2010


We got 20 inches of snow right before Christmas!!! It was sad that it was gone less then a week later.

Presents from Lisa

Our friend Lisa came by to give scout her Christmas had a nice big bow!!

Heritage Gardens

The lights at Heritage Gardens were fabulous! Scout rode the carousel and we roasted marshmallows. This will definitely be a yearly Christmas event for us!!

Christmas party

Scout saw her first present and met Santa for the first time at the Pawtucket FD kids Christmas party. Who knew that the best part of her day was finally getting a bow!!!

Up and running again!

We are back after a hard drive crash!!! We almost lost 2 months worth of photos and the wedding and honeymoon video!! The computer is back up but all the programs are gone. We are still working bare bones but will try to get some photos up.