Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Day of Thanks

Sorry this is so late....blogger was giving me problems loading photos again. I am starting to look into another blog site. Anyway......we had a wonderful day of Thanks last week. The best part is that we were all together. We know Zach can be anywhere in the world after this year and are very thankful for the time we get to be together. It was a nice relaxing day, no stress, no rushing around, just quit time at home making traditions for Scout to grow up with.

Zach took Scout for a hike to gather treasures.

then they filled a big glass vase with the treasures

Tatonka and Stennis watch.

Hopefully there will be more days like this for Zach and Scout over the years.

What a beautiful centerpiece! Scout was very proud of it.

We headed back outside.

and took out the horses.

Scout and Mommy head out for a ride.

Satinka is such a good girl.

kisses and

hugs for all.

Big Takoda gets out for a ride too!

After a delicious meal the boys are tuckered out.

Never forget the Native People were here first, caring for the land and the animals as it should be cared for. This is what we should remember on this day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Equine Affaire

Last week we went to Equine Affaire. We always have a great time and it was especially fun this year because Murph was able to come with us all 4 days!

A cowboy and his little girl.

There were horses of all breeds and sizes to kiss....

and meet and watch perform from the tiniest to....

to the biggest.

we watched clinics by fabulous horseman from all over the world. Our absolute favorite was a newcomer to the horse clinician world caroline rider who taught 4 clinics about the Tao of horsemanship. She was wonderful. I rarely am able to watch an entire demo/clinic/lecture but I watched every minute of hers.

There is a children's area that holds clinics, demos and has activities for the children all day each day.

Scout competed in the stick horse rodeo

Daddy held her horse while she played.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Still gardening

 It is unbelievable but we are still gardening!

Rain or shine we are outside!

Our last crop before the beds were tucked in for the winter.

Can you believe we are still picking strawberries?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The horse kids, as I refer to them, are coming to our homestead to learn about horsemanship. It is important to me that they learn how sensitive and communicative horses are. That they want a partnership with us. They have amazing ability to touch our soul if we learn to open up to it and listen. Kids won't learn this during "conventional" lessons. No one rides here until they can communicate with their partner from the ground. Until they learn they have a responsibility to be a great partner if they expect their horse to be a great one. I also want the kids to have fun. We play games and have adventures with the horse's. Sometimes it involves riding, sometimes it doesn't. It always develops a stronger partnership.

Right now we are working on a mapping project. They kids are putting on paper what they think the trail system looks like.

This is just a rough draft. They are putting major landmarks down and then trying to fill in the rest. They are going to learn how to use a compass next and then work on some games using the drafts to check their maps.  

They will eventually have beautiful finished maps to use....and be much more aware of the woods around them when out exploring

During this whole process they must keep their partner with them at all times....no tying up allowed. They are doing great!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On Rope

Scout was on rope for the first time last weekend! We headed North for our ski patrol refresher and Sunday was lift evacuation practice. Scout will be skiing on her own this year and probably riding the lift before the end of the season. It only made sense to make sure we can get her off on case the lift needs to be evacuated.

She will wear the chest harness all the time while skiing. We will use it to make it easier to pick her up or guide her when needed and it has a loop in back to hold her securely on the lift. We will carry the swiss seat in our patrol packs (along with our own and Ace's) and put it on her if needed. She can be locked onto the chair with her chest harness while the seat harness is being put on and while we put on our own.

The ride up.

Climbing out of the chair...

Almost to the ground. Scout is attached to the rope with a prussik.

All smiles after the ride...and cheers

Monday, November 8, 2010

catching up

Blog spot has not been letting me get photos up for the past week. Now it is (not sure why)  sooooo here's what is coming up.

The gardens are looking like fall....

but, there are still signs of summer....

Scout had some great adventure over the weekend...

and BEST of all.....Zach's flight physical seems to have been a success. Official confirmation should come by the end of the month.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is a rare sight...Scout sitting. The other day she hiked on the beach for about 3/4 of a mile, then we went home and after lunch she wanted to walk Tonto in the woods. In between she was running (yes literally) around the yard all day. It is a rare moment that she actually sits! So much energy and enthusiasm....so much fun!

Heading out to a horse show.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a nice time last night celebrating Halloween with friends. We were invited to a fall festival, held at Coonamessitt Farm. What a great and safe time for the kids. There was food, games, animals, hay rides, mazes, bounce house, marshmallows, fire pit and candy, of course. Scout had a blast!

Have you ever seen an elephant herding chickens?!

Baby goat tasting Scouts sweater.

Daddy and Scout in a donut eating contest

Scout plays a game of GA-GA

Heading home at the end of a fun night with family and friends.
Happy Fall!!