Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Creative juices!

I have been trying hard to finish projects this year. My projects could be anything from building a new shed (from found materials of course), improving the erosion in the paddock, planting the garden, installing a sink, sewing something Scout has requested, trimming hooves, need I go on! I think it is great that I can easily move from one started project to the next when something requires it....like a change in weather, I ran out of something important to continue, I lost my inspiration, a new bright shiny idea just sailed through my head. But it is discouraging that stuff is all half finished!

So I am finishing stuff now. Don't think it doesn't take effort. Those bright shiny ideas are always skipping through! I have been working, mostly in my head, on Scout's new room for probably more then a year now. Now she is getting tired of waiting! We are working on it regularly and it is just about complete. It is bursting with creative stuff and she is loving it. Eventually I will make it tidy like a magazine and take pictures. In the mean time here is what we have been up to.

 The pink and purple barn bed is on the left, she is practicing in her dance studio!

I purchased posters we loved. Then found frames, with ugly pictures to be removed, in thrift shops. We painted all the frames pink or purple, the accent colors of the green and yellow room. I let her help every step of the way, it is her room and how else will she learn to do these things. 

She has become quite a good painter I might add!

A couple of our masterpieces

Building forts is something we are continually doing for her. To give her the ability to construct her own, this bright shiny idea zoomed through my head! I just screwed knobs all over her room.....

Then I cut notches in pieces of cloth. That's it! Now she designs forts and barricades to her hearts content. And she can do it all by herself, just the way she likes it!
The other half of the room has her desk for creative work, more open floor space, shelving and her children's stuff (beds, high chairs, drawers of clothes and supplies and a small wooden stove to cook their meals). In the corner to the left is her library. A book case and small chair to sit and read...behind a purple cloth to section off the space!

The centerpiece of the room is the barn bed. Complete with full size bunk, climbing wall. secret hide out under the bed (where her children sleep), play space and of course a pony! From the bed she can look out her window to see her real pony in her paddock.

This is not in her room, but it was one of those creative shiny things fluttering by. We have no good climbing trees in the yard and she is constantly trying to climb. So we just made her one!

This huge cedar branch came down in the storm. We just lashed it to a post and voila! Climbing tree.

Life is Good!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sadie Update

I am sure everyone is eager to hear how Sadie is doing. The quick answer is fantastic! But is was rough going for a while.

She arrived 17 days ago at 4:30 am. We expected she would get sick at some point, because of where she had come from. After a few days here it was obvious she was not feeling well. She had an extremely high temperature and the list of possibilities was long. The vet Jennifer Narbone, 
was fantastic.  She communicated with me by text message anytime I had a question and to give her reports and updates. That was something that really put us at ease.

You can imagine the daily chores when after Sadie or her things were touched  we would have to strip out of our clothing and wash our hands before touching the other horses or their stuff! She needed her temp taken several times a day and medication administered. Eventually she would need IV antibiotics, the oral was not working. 

We tried administering it ourselves, pony necks are very difficult to get a vein so the vet ended up having to come by each day to give it. 

But now she is okay. She ended up having a severe respiratory infection, she was a very sick pony. We also successfully kept all the other horses from catching it. It was a lot of work, a lot of money....but worth it. She is an amazing soul. Gentle, kind, smart, respectful and willing. She never deserved to be in that horrid place and will now be forever safe and loved.

We are very thankful to everyone who helped with her rescue. So many helped in so many ways. Transportation, donations of time, work, money and supplies. It was all greatly appreciated and helped so much.

Please enjoy some photos of this special girl!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Sadie is sick

We knew she would likely be sick after after she got home. It has happened and she is very sick. Hopefully she will be okay. She will need medicine, vet care and nursing. Please help with her chip in if you can or share in your circles. Thank you from Sadie!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sadie is home

After a LONG 18 plus hour journey, we finally pulled Sadie into the driveway at 4:30 this morning. She looks exhausted and confused. After spending her last unknown amount of days living in the mud and eating moldy hay, tonight she will sleep in a dry trailer with a thick bed of shavings, fresh water and soft green hay.

In the morning she was sweet as can be. She melted as I brushed her and gave hugs generously. There are no brown markings as it looks in the photo, all mud. She is a pure white pony. I have discovered that Sadie means princess, so this is Scouts princess pony with Tonto being her cowgirl pony !

Her stare reminds me of Little when he first arrived. Emotionally turned off....he had to do it for himself. Bought and sold so many times at auctions he did not want to love and loose again. She has that some look. Little didn't loose it for almost a year , I hope it doesn't take her that long.

I discovered a fatty lump at the base of her tail , the size if a grapefruit. What ever it is she will have a forever home and lots of children to love her .

We are still collecting for her rescue and vet care. Please chip in if you can, every little bit helps. Share with your friends. Sadie and the children thank you!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Pony for HorseKids

A Pony Saved


This time it is really going to happen! I discovered the last place I tried to rescue from AC4H was actually a scam. My previous post is still up, my message is still important. Please look at it and if you have "liked" them on facebook you should unlike and not continue to share. 

I have found End of the Line for Horses who are legit. I have bailed out this wonderful 18 year old girl who is supposed to be very well trained. So sad that she was probably a wonderful friend to many children and worked hard for them.It breaks my heart that these soulful creatures end up in this situation after all they gave.

This girl, like the rest of our creatures, will never have to worry about that again. She is coming home to the Ranch. We decided to bring a pony home because there are so many HorseKids that are all riding our current pony angel Tonto. Now Tonto will have some help carrying all those precious children. Now Scout and her friends will be able to ride together instead of taking turns. So many of them are either riding independently or about to. It will be so wonderful for Scout to have riding buddies. This year HorseKids could go to barrel races with us and the new pony. 

The culture we are establishing at our home for Scout includes some amazing people and of course horses. We plan on horses being a big part of our homeschooling future to include trips and travel on horseback. There are a few children that I already see potentially being part of that and we want the momentum to keep moving forward. 

This new pony will allow that momentum to keep traveling. If you are able to contribute to help get her home and help make sure she gets any needed care when she arrives we, and the children, would be so grateful. Every little bit helps. Please share this post through your social media. We will also be needing some help with labor here at the Ranch to get her quarantine area set up as well as a few other important projects related to her coming home. 

Please Chip In if you can.....Please Share....Thank you