Sunday, June 20, 2010

Home from the hospital

Scout is home from the hospital. She had an infection, probably from a sinus infection, that spread into the skin around her eyes. They became so swollen that she was blind for 24 hours. She was such a trooper in the hospital. It was so scary for her and I can count at least 35 doctors, nurses and residents that worked on her.

It was very disturbing to encounter how they did NOT treat her like a person but their medical project. Even though Murph made a point to tell everyone her name when they walked in the room, during our 3 night stay, only 2 doctors referred to her by her name. Only 1 spoke with her about what he was about to do before touching her. Many said what they were doing didn't hurt when we knew it did. Most planned for what was most convenient for them, not what was in her best interest. We were very upset and advocating for her began when we first walked in the door and didn't end until we walked out 3 days later. It was mentally draining, even during the night the vigil would have to be kept up. I think most people just "do what they are told" never questioning the doctors or nurses. It is our job as parents to speak for our children (or any other loved ones) when they can not or when they are ignored. We are happy that we had the opportunity to tell our story to a few staff members at the hospital who are in the position to make changes.

Our little Scout shined above it all. She had both her parents at her side AT ALL TIMES and her brother was at home taking care of everything else. It was a great fathers day weekend with everyone home and healthy.

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