Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Celery cat

This is my celery cat. I saved him from the dump and now has a new life perched on the kitchen counter. 

Celery has been one of the best producers in the garden this year! Some came from seed but the rest has just been recycling itself. Cut off the bottom before using, drop the bottom (the part you usually compost) into a shallow dish of water for 24 hours and then plant in the garden. A new celery plant grows! Amazing! 
Or you can also do it this way...the celery cat way. Pull the plant, roots and all. Retain some of the roots when you bring it into the kitchen. Place the celery into your celery cat, or similar vase, and add enough water to just cover the roots. Just cut off the stalks you need, when you need them. Keep the roots wet but not the stalks. When you have used all the stalks replant in the garden.

When the freezing weather arrives pull the remaining plants from the garden. Place them in your root cellar/basement/what ever cool place you have. Keep the roots moist but not the stalks. You can use them from here all winter and what is left can be replanted in the garden in the spring! 

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