Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Creative juices!

I have been trying hard to finish projects this year. My projects could be anything from building a new shed (from found materials of course), improving the erosion in the paddock, planting the garden, installing a sink, sewing something Scout has requested, trimming hooves, need I go on! I think it is great that I can easily move from one started project to the next when something requires it....like a change in weather, I ran out of something important to continue, I lost my inspiration, a new bright shiny idea just sailed through my head. But it is discouraging that stuff is all half finished!

So I am finishing stuff now. Don't think it doesn't take effort. Those bright shiny ideas are always skipping through! I have been working, mostly in my head, on Scout's new room for probably more then a year now. Now she is getting tired of waiting! We are working on it regularly and it is just about complete. It is bursting with creative stuff and she is loving it. Eventually I will make it tidy like a magazine and take pictures. In the mean time here is what we have been up to.

 The pink and purple barn bed is on the left, she is practicing in her dance studio!

I purchased posters we loved. Then found frames, with ugly pictures to be removed, in thrift shops. We painted all the frames pink or purple, the accent colors of the green and yellow room. I let her help every step of the way, it is her room and how else will she learn to do these things. 

She has become quite a good painter I might add!

A couple of our masterpieces

Building forts is something we are continually doing for her. To give her the ability to construct her own, this bright shiny idea zoomed through my head! I just screwed knobs all over her room.....

Then I cut notches in pieces of cloth. That's it! Now she designs forts and barricades to her hearts content. And she can do it all by herself, just the way she likes it!
The other half of the room has her desk for creative work, more open floor space, shelving and her children's stuff (beds, high chairs, drawers of clothes and supplies and a small wooden stove to cook their meals). In the corner to the left is her library. A book case and small chair to sit and read...behind a purple cloth to section off the space!

The centerpiece of the room is the barn bed. Complete with full size bunk, climbing wall. secret hide out under the bed (where her children sleep), play space and of course a pony! From the bed she can look out her window to see her real pony in her paddock.

This is not in her room, but it was one of those creative shiny things fluttering by. We have no good climbing trees in the yard and she is constantly trying to climb. So we just made her one!

This huge cedar branch came down in the storm. We just lashed it to a post and voila! Climbing tree.

Life is Good!

1 comment:

  1. Love how the bed turned out! Scout looks like she was into the painting and climbing! What an awesome idea to make your own climbing tree. Wow! :) Just showed Kanoa the pictures too! Love, Laurie
