Thursday, April 7, 2011

We love our chickens. There is the obvious, eggs and bug control. But they are so much more, they have such personality and ability to communicate...with each other and with us. If you pay attention you learn they have an extensive language.

These are our two Sussex light sisters. We had five, these two watched their three sisters get eaten one morning, by what we are not sure. We heard the commotion in the yard , when we got out there the sisters were gone. These two barely walked away from the coop and NEVER left each others side for months. One of them recently became broody (sitting on eggs). We let her have the eggs to hatch. After about a week her sister joined her. They sit in that box, together, all day and night. Such commitment to their eggs and to each other.

This is one of our Americana's, they lay blue eggs. I returned home during a heavy wind storm. Normally the chickens will pay no attention to my coming and going. This day, one of the Americana's, came racing toward me, at full speed and squawking madly. It was obvious she was asking for my help. I found that the gate to the coop yard had blown shut in the wind. Some of the chickens were inside, not able to free range. She wanted me to open the door for them. I not only find it amazing that she knew to ask me for help, but she was concerned for her sisters/friends. Her name is now Lassie.

The chickens and the roosters are so gentle. They are wonderful pets for children (not all roosters are good pets, some can be very dangerous....RUDY).

While filling the horse's water one of the roosters came over. He clucked softly at me then looked into the lid that was lying on the ground near us. He wanted me to put water in there. I did and he drank. They are very smart. Like all the rescued animals I also believe that these chickens, many who I rescued from deplorable conditions, appreciate their new home and know I am here to help them. I hope the chicks hatch soon!

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