Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anniversary at Roger Williams Zoo

We had a wonderful day celebrating our 2nd anniversary. The only thing that could have made it better would be if Zach could have joined us. We visited Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence RI, visited Murphs good friend at the Providence Police Mounted Unit, we stopped in Mystic Ct for dinner outside at Seaswirl (Scout and I did some yoga on the grass, by the water, while we waited for fish and chips and clam fritters). It was a nice relaxing day. Tonight we are having a date! Our first one since Scout was born. Zach and Scout will hang out together tonight so we can have an anniversary celebration together.

African Wild dog

Our big girl used the rest rooms all day.

One month only baby giraffe and mommy

A snake neck turtle...coooool

What's this?

I will say that I was disappointed in the quality of the zoo. The habitat's were too small and mostly just a dirt plot with very little natural landscaping or enrichment. Many animals were napping in the open because there were not sufficient private places for them. The grounds had more weeds growing all over then plants and I don't remember seeing any flowers. I expected that zoo to be much more progressive for the animals. I do believe it is important to have zoo's so people can be educated and made aware of the animals. To fall in love with them and be concerned with protecting them. So children can develop a love of them. However, I don't support a zoo that doesn't provide a natural and enriching life for the animals in it's care. There was a lot of construction, I hope this zoo will be improving.

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