Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Child in Harmony visit

On Saturday we made the always risky journey off Cape. It was worth it to go visit the homestead of Marcia Simmonds of A Child In Harmony. She offered an open house to unschoolers and we just had the best time. What a beautiful home, fabulous family, wonderful new friends and getting to meet up with some treasured folks we meet at Rock the Campground. Scout, of course, loves anything outdoors and animals. She played in the gardens, the sandbox and visited ALL the animals. We went into the house to share a pot luck lunch and Scout played with the toy horses and animals. It is always so wonderful, when we meet in these groups, to observe how all the children get along. Always a mix from toddlers to teenagers and never a fight or harsh word from anyone. I think this is what we treasure most in these groups. Everyone is always respectful of everyone, no matter what the age and it shows in the harmony of the group. 

When it was time for us to go we asked Scout to say bye-bye. She trotted, deliberately to to slider, onto the deck, down the stairs and off to the ducks...."bye-bye". The she marched over to where the chickens were resting..."bye-bye". The we followed her down a path, through the pines to the horse barn..."bye-bye, bye-bye". Now she was ready to go. Definitely mommies girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Michele and Murph, I just saw this post! What great pictures. Scout is absolutely precious! I especially love the picture with her and rocco our dog AND the one when she is in beyond the horse stall gate. you must forgive the less than tidy appearance of the barn that day.

    It was great to meet you ..and yes there IS a whole different vibe at unschooler gatherings..respect kindness and all welcoming :) Hope to see you soon.

    happy day!
