Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kindness of a stranger

We are planning on taking the horses camping in the fall and went on a scouting mission to Myles Standish State Forest to check out the camp ground. The forest is 450,000 acres so when we spotted two woman on their gorgeous horses we stopped to ask directions. They didn't know where it was but had a map and invited us to look at it. I was happy to use the map but even happier to get to meet the horses!!

Here he is, a gorgeous Paso Fino stallion. White with black points, my favorite!

Can you believe the owner jumped off and invited me to ride him!!!

Thankfully my wonderful husband had the presence of mind to get the camera out!! Look at this beautiful guy. I am on a stallion and there are 3 horses going by off to our left.

I am reliving this magical moment, in my mind, everyday...galloping on a Paso Fino stallion.

Thank you strangers...I don't even know your names..I hope we cross paths again. I hope we will no longer be strangers but good friends instead.

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