Monday, January 10, 2011

Frodo meets the girls

Two days ago we finally found a good opportunity to introduce Frodo to the paddock and Satinka and Takoda. It went surprisingly well, here is the story, photos and video.

He arrived approximately 4 weeks ago. He moved into the chicken coop, they have an outside run area made up of dog kennel panels. At night he was moved into the trailer, a 4 horse stock, covered with a tarp. I initially wanted to leave him outside like the rest of the horses but he preferred to go in. The chicken coop is close to the horses so he could see them all day. The trailer was positioned right next to the run-in so he would be close to the others at night. There is a wooden gate at the run in right by the trailer and we would let him go up and touch noses with the others (usually Tink) every time he was out. I would also tie the horses, one at a time, up to a tree with a pile of hay right next to the chicken coop. I would let them sniff noses and then eat together for 30 - 60 minutes. I think this all turned out to be a very important lead up to the success of the paddock introduction.

The first thing we did was to move all 4 horses out of the paddock, they were tied to trees, common for them, and given a big pile of hay each. Then we brought Frodo into the paddock to explore on his own. He spent the time rolling in every one's poop and became a complete mud ball! We left his lead on because I was concerned that I may not be able to catch him. He was very skittish when he first arrived.

Next we brought Satinka in. She was led up to the top of the paddock away from the ice and mud. Then Frodo was led up. When he got to the top he was let go, Tink stayed in hand. You will see in the video it was pretty anticlimactic.

Then we dropped Tinks lead. We left it on in case we needed to get her back in hand. There is not much to tell about the rest, they did great. Frodo ran around enjoying his space to gallop, they galloped together, but Tink was mostly unimpressed.

We decided to bring Takoda in too. She, from the start seemed the most peaceful anytime she was near Frodo. Satinka went back in hand and Frodo stayed loose as Takoda was led in. They all did well and then we let them all loose together. This was a bit more exciting, in the end it appears that Tink was trying to protect Koda from Frodo! I never would have guessed that. She seemed to lust longingly over Frodo from the moment he arrived. Once she finally met him she seemed to have changed her opinion.

Tink went back in hand and Takoda was let loose with Frodo. She did cow kick at him at one point, but only once. Frodo has plenty of confidence an attitude. He has no idea he is so tiny. He carries himself like a big stallion, he was gelded late (I think within the last year). He is 6 years old.

We took Koda out again and left Tink and Frodo to hang out together for about an hour.

They did fine, Tink just gave him the cold shoulder. He eventually stood at the gate wanting to return to his chickens.

Yesterday we put Frodo in with Tink for 90 minutes in the morning. In the afternoon he spent the same time with Koda. The time with Koda was quite the love affair initially. She was immediately put into heat and he ejaculated right away. She positioned herself to accept him for about 20 minutes while he looked at us longingly for a stool! Then they spent the rest of the time very peacefully. She let him share hay with him right away and they ate grain near each other. They would have appeared to anyone to be longtime pasture mates. 

I am having trouble uploading the videos. Sorry you won't get to see everything.

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